‘Exercise is medicine’ is a popular catchphrase of doctors, fitness coaches, therapists and others who want to motivate you to move. Experts believe that exercise is as effective as medicine and more affordable because it’s free and has very few side-effects.

How To Exercise Safely

Strokee  should get medical clearance from their doctors before they undertake vigorous or high intensity exercise.

Those who have existing medical issues, such as heart problems and other chronic ailments like kidney failure, should also consult their doctors before increasing their activity levels.

For strokees with issues related to joint pain or preexisting musculoskeletal issues, we recommend that you get a review by our physiotherapists. This
is to ensure that the activity you are undertaking does not worsen the condition.

When To Stop Exercise

  1. Drop in systolic blood pressure (SBP) of more than 10 mm Hg from baseline
  2. Increased BP – SBP of 250 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure [DBP] higher than 115 mm Hg, or both)
  3. Angina/ chest pain
  4. Increase in nervous system symptoms, such as lack of co-ordination, dizziness, fainting
  5. An unhealthy pale appearance
  6. Fatigue, shortness of breath, wheezing, cramps, or limping
  7. Increase in joint or muscle pain

Knowing when you have over-exercised
Pain and discomfort are probably the best guide to knowing when to stop and also gauging whether you have gone beyond your limits. It’s ok to feel a little sore after training but it should not last more than two days.

Points To Consider When Exercising

  • If possible, exercise with someone or agroup. This will encourage you, as well as help with safety issues.

  • Choose a cool environment. Exercise in the morning or evening hours. Otherwise it’s best to do your routine indoors.

  • Avoid exercising after heavy meals. Rest for at least one hour after a meal before starting any vigorous exercises. Keep well hydrated unless you are having restricted water intake due to medical reasons.

  • Bear in mind that safety should be the mainconcern when undertaking any exercise.Make sure there is enough support or supervision to prevent falls.

  • The surface of the area you stand on should not be slippery. Wear suitable loose clothing that does not obstruct movement as well as appropriate footwear. Do not exercise with slippers.

  • If you are going outdoors to exercise, do so in a safe area, such as a park, and ensure your family members and friends are aware of where you will be. Carry you handphone with you if necessary.

  • Have fun when exercising and enjoy the challenge.