Jenny Low
Honorary Treasurer
With over 40 years accounting and senior management experience, Jenny is well versed with the accounting practices, tax laws and stock exchange requirements across markets such as Australia, China, India, Poland and Southeast Asia. Jenny qualified as a Chartered Accountant in London and returned to Malaysia in 1976. She started her career in a professional accounting firm before moving out into industry.
In 1987, she moved to Singapore where she was with Abacus Distribution Systems which managed airline booking systems. She later joined SciGen, a bio-pharmaceutical company, where she rose up to CFO and then to Senior Vice President, Director, and Corporate Secretary. At SciGen, she was responsible for the listing of the company on the Australian Stock Exchange; she also oversaw finance, human resources, corporate secretarial, legal, logistics and shipping, and overall administration. Since her retirement in 2017, Jenny has resided in Malaysia and spends her time travelling.
Jenny was appointed Honorary Treasurer of NASAM in November 2023.